Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rolling posters gather in the mess

Well it was that time of the year again, when artful squiggles and ornate lines on A2 sheets spread out in different directions to announce the arrival of Vista to the world. Thanks to our active Infra team, the raw materials required to concoct these rolls of wonder arrived on time. And then began multiple rounds of discussion, brainstorming and some heated debates. The cause of a lot of head-scratching was the exact modus operandi of this mega-project. MBAs are notorious for their strategic thinking, well, we had 36 of them trying to crack this case.

After much deliberation and out of sheer exhaustion a final consensus was reached and everyone dived headlong into the task. Hours melted away with everyone working like a bee.

And lo, before we knew it, it was done.

P.S. The most hard-working soul of the night: The guy in the mess who was churning out 3 plates of Maggi every minute to satiate our midnight hunger.
P.P.S. Our beloved Secy, did more than just sign on papers. He got his hands dirty too!

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